速報APP / 生活品味 / AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:385 Science Park Road State College, PA 16803

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖1)-速報App

AccuWeather for Sony SmartWatch is here! Weatherproof your day with these popular features available from AccuWeather:

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖2)-速報App

• Localized weather information for nearly three million locations worldwide – supports your GPS location or the location of your choice.

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖3)-速報App

• Current weather conditions with the Superior Accuracy™ users expect from AccuWeather.

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖4)-速報App

• Severe weather notices and warnings to help keep you out of the storm.

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖5)-速報App

• Background color options including black, gray, green, orange, and turquoise.

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖6)-速報App

Download AccuWeather for Sony SmartWatch today for a one-time fee of $0.99 and start getting your localized and accurate weather forecast.

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖7)-速報App

Keywords: weather , storm, rain, snow, Sony, wearable , smartwatch

AccuWeather - Sony SmartWatch(圖8)-速報App

Small apps extension for Sony products

Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2